BattleColor icône jeu avec cases carrées multicolores


Want to paint your opponents? Give them a run for their colours? In BattleColour mode, you drive on a gridded track, which you have to cover with your team's colour as much as possible within the allotted time.
As each square can be coloured an infinite number of times, you can pass over and over again... over your opponents' colours to take points away from them!  Keep an eye on the scores on your screen as you play, so you can identify your real targets.


BattleRace icône bonus missile BattleKart



Strongly boosts the kart. It fades out after a few seconds or when the driver is hit by an attack.
Stops the kart hit for a few seconds. 


Stops the target kart for a few seconds... but only if you touch it!
BattleRace icône bonus missile BattleKart


Boosts the speed of your kart and allows you to go across different textures (sand, grass, water, etc.) without slowing down. The nitro fades after a few seconds or when you are hit by an enemy attack.


Conseil mode de jeu BattleColor colorie dix cases à la suite pour un bonus
Conseil mode de jeu BattleColor roule au milieu de la route
Conseil mode de jeu BattleColor les premiers sont la cible

Ten in a row

In the middle of the “road”

The people in the first positions are the targets

Colour 10 squares in a row to get a bonus (nitro or rocket)
Adjust your trajectory on the junction between two squares to colour two at a time
A glance at the temporary classification on the dashboard will tell you which colour to change first
Conseil mode de jeu BattleColor colorie dix cases à la suite pour un bonus

Ten in a row

Colour 10 squares in a row to get a bonus (nitro or rocket)
Conseil mode de jeu BattleColor roule au milieu de la route

In the middle of the “road”

Adjust your trajectory on the junction between two squares to colour two at a time
Conseil mode de jeu BattleColor les premiers sont la cible

The people in the first positions are the targets

A glance at the temporary classification on the dashboard will tell you which colour to change first